Many prisoners were sent to castles for many different offenses. The castle guards did many things to torture the prisoners. One of them was branding, they were burns marks on a prisoners skin that was punishment for some offenses. Now that’s going to leave a mark…! Prisoners with an “M” on their hand could NEVER hide their guilt.
Another punishment was pressing, it was for prisoners refusing to plead being guilty. What happened was guards fed them only enough food to stay alive through this tortures pain. Guards then put a wood plank on the prisoners body and added heavy weights everyday! Could you imagine how painful that would be? Oh wait, it gets worse! Guards begged people to come up and jump on the boards! OUCH! Another punishment was pillory and finger pillory. Finger pillory was assigned to you if you had for trivial offenses
rowdiness such as being drunk or rowdiness. It left prisoners trapped by their fingertips! Pillory was for a penalty for minor offenses your heads and hands were locked in a wooden structure. And for more serous ones your ears were nailed to the board!Another cruel penalty was a gallow, it was an execution for serous crimes. It was done by strangling someone with a slip-knot around the neck. Now it is time for the most cruel punishment in my opinion, it was called drawing. It was a penalty for treason, plotting against the king. The prisoner was to be "hung, drawn, and quartered". When the victim was half dead, they were turned upside down while their insides were being taken out. That is one game i wouldn't like to play!
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